West Virginia Heleomyzid Flies

Family Heleomyzidae

In the cool weather of late fall and of early spring, Heleomyzid flies may be the only adult flies to be seen in West Virginia. On the other hand, go looking for adult flies of this family in July and you will likely be disappointed, as this is a fly of cool conditions.

A majority of Heleomyzid flies are colored yellow, orange, or brown. Their wings are often tinted with yellow to amber color, are sometimes spotted, and the costa usually has spines. The antennae are small and do not point forward. Vibrissae are present, and postvertical bristles are present and converging (Borror and White, 1970).

In Canada and the United States are some 135 species of Heleomyzid flies. The larvae of some species live in leaf mold or in other decaying vegetation, while a few are bird nest specialists or leaf miners (Arnett, 2000).

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Suillia convergens
Suilla convergens
Suillia quinquepunctata
Suilla quinquepunctata
Scoliocentra helvola
Scoliocentra sp.

Insects of West Virginia