Chrysopilus ornatus

Ornate Snipe Fly

Chrysopilus ornatus, Snipe Fly

Family: Rhagionidae

Subfamily: Rhagioninae

Length: females 14-17 mm; males 11-13


Hardy (1949) notes these distinguishing traits of the genus Chrysopilus:

For the species Chrysopilus ornatus, Hardy lists these key traits:

Right: This female Chrysopilus ornatus was photographed in mid-June at a highway department wetland in Upshur County.

Chrysopilus ornatus male

Left: the much larger eyes, which touch, distinguish the male Chrysopilus ornatus from the female.

A similar species is Chrysopilus fasciatus, which has been reported from states near West Virginia, including Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia. Chrysopilus fasciatus is always smaller, at 7.5-8.5 mm for the males and 8.5-9.5 mm for females. There are a number of other differences, including darkened femora in Chrysopilus fasciatus.

Chrysopilus ornatus head, female Snipe Fly


Right: Note the ovoid third antennal segment, and the very long aristae, characteristic of genus Chrysopilus. The pale femora are characteristic of Chrysopilus ornatus.


Chrysopilus ornatus range map

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Insects of West Virginia