Family: Cerambycidae
Subfamily: Lepturinae
Length: 8-16 mm
The elytra of Typocerus velutinus are reddish brown; the yellow markings are somewhat variable but generally there are four transverse bands that do not meet along the suture. Both the pronotum and the elytra have a dense golden pubescence. On the pronotum, look for a strong band of pubescence along the base, and another along the apex.
The antennae are black and the legs tan to reddish brown.
Larvae feed on hickory, oak, and other hardwoods.
Adults may be found from May to September on flowers, or at lights. Typocerus velutinus is one of West Virginia’s more common Longhorned Beetles.
Right: Note the band of golden pubescence along the base of the pronotum, and another at its apex.