Desmocerus palliatus

Elderberry Borer

Elder Borer, Desmocerus palliatus photo

Family: Cerambycidae

Subfamily: Lepturinae

Length: 17-26 mm


The head, pronotum, and the rear of the elytra are metallic blue-black, while the basal portion of the elytra is yellow. The pronotum is considerably wider than long, and tapers toward the head. The sides of the elytra are nearly parallel.

The larvae feed on the roots of Elderberry shrubs. Adults are found feeding on Elder blossoms.

Below left: Mating Elderberry Borers.

Mating Elderberry Longhorns, Desmocerus palliatus imageDesmocerus palliatus prepares for flight

Above right: An Elder Borer lifts the elytra and prepares to leap into flight.

Desmocerus palliatus range map

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