Cassida rubiginosa

Thistle Tortoise Beetle

Cassida rubiginosa photo, Thistle Tortoise Beetle

Family: Chrysomelidae

Subfamily: Hispinae

Length: 6-8 mm


Cassida rubiginosa is a widespread species. Records from West Virginia show it is probably found in every county of the Mountain State. Most reported collections in the state were made in May and June.

The host plants of this member of the Leaf Beetle family are various thistles, including Burdock and Bull Thistle.

W.S. Blatchley noted that members of this genus are called Helmet Beetles, and indeed the Latin Cassida means helmet. The helmet shape offers a lot of protection to the beetlethe head, for example, is completely concealed.






Cassida rubiginosa range map, West Virginia

A note about our maps

Cassida rubiginosa range map

Insects of West Virginia