I wrote the first species pages for this website in 2007 and 2008, and the site went live in February 2009. Collected here are photos of West Virginia insects I've taken over the last quarter century. The species pages contain information gleaned from articles and books, also from emails and on-line postings in which folks have generously provided information about my photographs. For more information about the sources, see the Works Consulted pages for each group, the Acknowledgement pages for each group, and the overall Acknowledgments page.
My day job is college history professor. I don't have any entomological training, but in preparing these pages I have read widely and have asked people to set me right when I go astray. The subject specialists both professional and amateur have been truly generous with their time, helping me to learn what I need to know about their groups.
I most earnestly request corrections, for everything from typos and broken links to misidentifications of photographs. Please email me to report problems or mistakes.
Text and photographs are © 2009 by Stephen Cresswell. While my aim is to keep this site non-commerical, I do have a separate stock photography site with wildlife and landscape photos from various states, provinces, and countries.
Thanks once again to all who have helped. I hope youll enjoy the site.
Stephen Cresswell, Buckhannon, West Virginia