Family: Syrphidae
Subfamily: Eristalinae
Length: 9-12 mm
Members of the genus are wasp mimics, both as to markings and behavior. The second and third photos on this page show Temnostoma balyras holding its darkened front legs elevated, so as to look like wasp antennae. Waldbauer (1970) reported that flies in Temnostoma pretend to sting when they are handled.
Adult flies in the genus Temnostoma visit flowers to feed on both nectar and pollen. Often males frequent the foliage of the flowers, waiting for females, while females spend much less time at the flowers.
Maier (1982) reported Temnostoma balyras mating at flowers, and also near moist, rotting wood—the larval habitat.
Waldbauer and Ghent (1984) noted that in the genus Temnostoma females continue to feed while mating; "the females fly from inflorescence to inflorescence dragging the males behind them."
Insects of West Virginia