Anomoea laticlavia

Clay-Colored Leaf Beetle

Anomoea laticlavia, Clay-Colored Leaf Beetle photo






Family: Chrysomelidae

Subfamily: Cryptocephalinae

Length: 7-8 mm


Anomoea laticlavia is a light brown beetle, with the antennae, tibiae, and tarsi black. There are also black stripes on the elytral edges and suture. The sutural stripe varies in width from individual to individual, and may be narrower than shown.

In West Virginia the adults are most often encountered in June. Many other states and provinces are home to this species, as far north as Ontario, as south as Florida, and as west as Texas and Kansas. At least two subspecies have been described; the one found in West Virginia is Anomoea laticlavia laticlavia.

This beetle has been reported on Ragweed, New Jersey Tea, Persimmon, and many other herbaceous and woody plants.

Insects of West Virginia