Family: Lampyridae
Subfamily: Lampyrinae
Length: 10-14 mm
This species is common and widespread in West Virginia, and elsewhere. Downie and Arnetts 1996 Beetles of Northeastern North America lists records of this species from these states and provinces: British Columbia, Newfoundland and Labrador, Quebec, Ontario, Maine, Wisconsin, Michigan, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Colorado, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, California, and Arizona.
A 2003 publication by James Lloyd suggests that this genus needs further study, and that such a study would likely result in several new species being formed from Ellychnia corrusca.
Adults feed on flowers and on sweet sap, and the species may become a nuisance for those who tap sugar maple trees.
Ellychnia corrusca overwinters as an adult, passing the colder months in grooves in tree bark. Adults become active in March, and mating takes place in April and May.
The larvae feed in rotting wood. Although a member of the Firefly family (Lampyridae), beetles in this genus do not have light organs, and are active during the day.
Right: Mating Ellychnia corrusca, early Spring in West Virginia.
Left: These Ellychnia corrusca were attracted to the sweet sap of a Peony even before the bud began to open.
Insects of West Virginia